

Turnbridge helps students continue their academic journey while receiving treatment.

Adolescent identity and opportunity are directly tied to one’s academic journey. Formative skills, relationships, achievements, and physical and mental growth that develop during junior-high-school and high-school years significantly shape later life. At Turnbridge, we believe that restoring and protecting academic progress and teaching young people to navigate scholastic life while managing mental health is essential to long-term success and well-being.

Specialized academic programming that is closely coordinated with clinical care allows educational advancement to play a powerfully positive role in the therapeutic process. Turnbridge provides a complete range of care-informed academic services that help students matriculate, address issues of school avoidance, manage transcripts, and prepare for high school graduation and college.

Adolescent Residential Program clients are helped to continue the coursework provided by their home school system. They may also receive counseling and tutoring if necessary. Clients in the Adolescent Extended Care Program have the time to benefit from a broader range of academic counseling and support services.

Turnbridge strongly advocates for its clients with home high school systems to ensure that credit earned during treatment is reflected in the academic record and that the symptoms of mental health disorders are not allowed to stand in the way of personal progress. Turnbridge Residential and Extended Care clients receive grade-appropriate coursework, tutoring, and academic counseling services to keep them apace with their home public or private school.

teen academic counseling in connecticut

Transcript Management and School Communication

As with many areas of treatment, communication plays a highly beneficial role in client success. Communication between Turnrbridge staff and public and private schools allows clients to continue academic progress or get much-needed support.

Mental health conditions do not always mean poor academic performance. In many cases, young people being treated for substance use and mental health conditions excel academically and have a good school transcript. In other cases, students are struggling. Turnbridge is able to help high-performing students continue advancing, and struggling students improve their performance by developing individualized academic plans and removing barriers to learning.

Adolescents being treated at Turnbridge can still advance and graduate from their home schools. In many cases, Turnbridge academic advisors can work with school districts to ensure that credits earned while in treatment transfer to the client’s transcript. Advisors can also work with school systems to determine curriculum and align lesson plans to ensure academic consistency. Communicating with school districts makes it easier for students to reacclimate to their home school environment upon their return to class.