Here, we understand that mental health disorders and addictions are a disease that affects the entire family. We help families find appropriate treatment for the often traumatic experiences of living with a struggling daughter or sibling. We also provide family support through our Intensive Family Healing Workshop. This once-monthly program educates and trains family members and provides a fundamental understanding of mental health disorders and the disease of addiction, the effects it has had on their loved one, and how to successfully help their loved one remain in recovery. We also host monthly Parent Support Group sessions, as well as Sibling Support Groups, during which family members of current Turnbridge clients meet to share with and learn from parents of alumni, support staff, and others. This experience often allows parents and siblings to experience the comfort of finding shared experience and specific hope for their loved one.

Family is crucial to a young woman’s identity, and at least as important to her recovery. When families actively participate in the recovery process, outcomes tend to be better for women, and families tend to regain a daughter, sister, and friend more quickly.
Mental health disorders and addiction are a complex issue that often drives a wedge between young women and their families. It is also often the case that women may hold different perceptions of their family roles and obligations than do their male counterparts. Just as the young women in our care are learning how to better relate with family and friends, family members also need to be educated in how to help their loved one thrive in recovery. This may entail the maintenance of healthy boundaries, helping to reduce initial exposure to triggers and stressors, better understanding inadvertent enablement, and rebuilding underlying relationships.

Often, one of the most appreciated members of the Turnbridge Team is our Family Liaison. The sole purpose of the Family Liaison is to ensure that family members have access to accurate updates about their loved ones as well as general information about addiction and this program at all times. The Liaison is present at family meetings with loved ones and is often the person family members speak with most often during their loved one’s time at Turnbridge.
Communication is paramount to successful treatment and outcomes. Clients and families can communicate at any time of their choosing, and at least once-weekly phone calls are encouraged.