Turnbridge Academy is a comprehensive system of academic services designed to help our clients plan and pursue their educational goals. Turnbridge Academy services give every client the opportunity to begin exploring educational possibilities upon enrollment.
One of the most devastating effects of mental health disorders or substance misuse is their ability to limit one’s prospects. Such disorders have the potential to impact academic and extracurricular accomplishments, damage important relationships, and close the doors to continuing education and career. Turnbridge Academy, through our relationships with colleges, universities, and high schools, maximizes the positive benefits of education for emerging adults and adolescents in recovery by ensuring that every client has the ability, regardless of their past, to enroll in an educational institution.
As a program dedicated to meeting the needs of emerging adults and adolescents, Turnbridge believes in the developmental and therapeutic benefits of academic achievement as an engine of aspiration and empowerment for people in recovery. Recovery and education are parallel pathways to self-discovery, competency, and positive self-image.