Recreation is an important aspect of life at Turnbridge. Some of the strongest, most beneficial friendships between peers of similar experience are forged as clients come together to enjoy a wide range of events and activities. Whether competing in an organized sport, climbing a mountain, or white water rafting, the discipline, focus, teamwork, and stress relief afforded by individual and group activity offers many benefits for mind and body, especially for those in mental health or addiction treatment.

Some of the recreational activities enjoyed by Turnbridge clients include:
- Weight and Cardio Training
- Mixed Martial Arts Training and Kickboxing
- Skiing and Snowboarding
- Boating
- White Water Rafting
- Beach Excursions
- Camping & Hiking Trips
- Deep Sea Fishing
- Basketball
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Paintball
- Golf
- Team Sports, i.e. Baseball, Touch Football, etc.
Cultural Activities offer yet more opportunities to make lasting memories and find commonalities while enjoying enriching experiences. As clients advance through the phases, they are also given more freedom to take part in activities that may have been triggers for compulsive behavior in the past. Allowing young people to enjoy these activities under the supervision of staff and with support of their peers helps develop independence in a safe environment.
- MLB, NBA, NFL Games in Hartford, New York and Boston
- Restaurant Dining
- Concerts and Theater
- Performing and Creating in the Turnbridge Music Studio