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The Physical Impact of Addiction [Infographic]

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Every time we go out for a night of drinking, or experiment with new drugs, or continuously use the familiar ones, we make a choice. It is a choice we make time and time again, a choice that many adolescents are now making because in that moment, it just seems fun. People all over the country are drinking or doing drugs, and teens are no exception. Many just assume substance use to be safe—but it couldn’t be farther from it. The problem is, every time we make this choice, we put our lives at risk. Not only does substance abuse inhibit us mentally and emotionally, but it also becomes physically detrimental to our bodies.

Did you know, for example, that cocaine restricts blood flow to the brain and can provoke a serious heart attack or stroke? Did you know that marijuana similarly speeds up a user’s heart rate, and poses a great risk of lung infection? How about the fact that teens around the country are entering the hospital on a daily basis for heroin overdoses, or that other opiates and prescription drugs are causing respiratory depression in users across the board? And this is just the beginning. Today, 1 in 4 deaths is attributable to alcohol and illicit drug use—and the risk of overdose is highest among young adults.

Many of us do not realize the damage that drug and alcohol use can truly inflict, often because the short-term side effects of substance abuse are not always apparent at first. To your teenage son, for instance, the repercussions of smoking weed or drinking beers with friends on weeknights don’t seem so bad. On the contrary, he may be feeling quite invincible, unaware that drugs and alcohol actually can affect almost every system in his body. He may not know of the lasting effects of drug and alcohol abuse—ones that can overcome his physical health and his wellbeing in the drop of a hat if treatment is not sought.

As a result, our team at Turnbridge has compiled a new infographic to show you exactly how drug and alcohol abuse can take over a person—both mind and body. We believe that by understanding the physical impact of substance use and addiction, parents and teens alike can together make informed, practical decisions regarding their health and their actions. If you believe that your son is drinking or using drugs, remember that help is available. If he has already developed an addiction, it is vital to seek professional drug treatment. Read on to see the full physical impact of drug and alcohol abuse, or call us at 1-877-581-1793 to learn more on how to prevent it.

effects of drug addiction

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