On Friday, July 18, 25 of Turnbridge’s Phase I residents and staff headed down to East Haven’s Light House Point for a day of sober living and sandy fun in the sun. Although the residents didn’t swim, they all had a blast and the day was filled with plenty of football, Frisbee, and fellowship. “It was good for the guys,” Rec Coordinator Casey Olayos said. “They enjoyed it. It’s a good outdoor activity for them, and it’s different. They’re used to going to the beach, partying with their friends. You can do that kind of stuff sober and it’s good for them to see it.” “It was great,” Support Staff Kyle said. “The guys had a great time. They loved it. It was a beautiful day, and it was nice just to enjoy a day that didn’t have anything to do with needing to get drunk or high. All the guys really enjoyed it.” “I had a pretty good time,” Phase I resident Drew said. “Usually when I go to the beach I am under the influence, and it’s nice to go and be there and enjoy the scenery.” According to Drew, this month’s beach trip has been his favorite rec activity to date, and these events are extremely helpful in the drug rehab process.
Casey has planned a huge event to round out the 2014 summer season. He has organized a 3-day camping trip up to Massachusetts. Residents from both Phases I and II will attend. Residents and staff will cook out, play games, and hold their daily meetings around the campfire.
Lighthouse Point Beach