Grant G. is Turnbridge’s Unsung Hero for the month of July. Grant currently serves as Turnbridge’s Volunteer Coordinator, a position he has held for over a year since his transition from the Support Staff. As Volunteer Coordinator, Grant works to establish and maintain relationships with various non-profit agencies in the community. He assists Phase II residents in locating volunteer positions, and he frequently checks in throughout the day at any of the 21 different agencies which actively participate with the Turnbridge addiction treatment program. According the Grant, the most challenging aspect of his job is maintaining the relationship that Turnbridge has with the various agencies with which they cooperate. “When residents are unwilling to show up, some are understanding, and some are not,” Grant said. “We’ve had agencies who asked not to work with us, , and some who absolutely adore Turnbridge, who often call particularly requesting Turnbridge volunteers.” The most rewarding part of working at Turnbridge long term drug rehab is “helping the guys get back up on their feet.” “I was in the same position,” Grant said. “At one point, I didn’t think change was possible. It’s about being there for these guys as other staff members were there for me. It really makes the difference, I think.”
Grant G. – Unsung Hero